Tuesday, September 13, 2011

For The Love Of Food

I grew up with a wonderful tradition in my family "For The Love Of Food". We cooked together and sat down at the dinner table to savor our labors of love. We always cooked large quantities of food, for as my Daddy would say, you never know who will drop by. And sure enough, almost always, there would be someone who would visit. Friends, family, or people who worked in the family business who appreciated just as we did, this feeling of love and connection that came from sharing at the table.

Mango Key Lime Pie
Today, I am very excited to write my first blog...ever! So, I decided I'd write about what I know and love. My future posts will all surround the theme of food, including recipes, cooking tips, shopping tips, photos, articles, and most of all, family memories and traditions. I am looking forward to sharing these with you and I hope that you'll enjoy them as much I love writing them. If you're interested in my recipe for Mango Key Lime Pie featured in the photo above, tune in for more soon...

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